Thursday, February 20, 2025< ^ >
zinid has set the subject to: ejabberd discussions:
Room Configuration
Room Occupants
Show Occupants Join/Leave

[00:00:57] moparisthebest joins the room
[00:01:15] Olivia leaves the room
[00:04:37] gooya leaves the room
[00:04:57] gooya joins the room
[00:05:08] mogad0n leaves the room
[00:05:17] stp joins the room
[00:06:08] mako joins the room
[00:06:24] rain leaves the room
[00:07:35] mogad0n joins the room
[00:10:59] Kris leaves the room
[00:13:00] banana joins the room
[00:13:36] eevvoor leaves the room
[00:15:08] nutcracker500 joins the room
[00:16:51] Lazarus leaves the room
[00:17:00] Lazarus joins the room
[00:22:27] banana leaves the room
[00:22:28] banana joins the room
[00:23:17] rain leaves the room
[00:23:18] rain joins the room
[00:23:43] ermete joins the room
[00:26:48] abba leaves the room
[00:26:50] abba joins the room
[00:26:54] isotelo leaves the room
[00:27:49] banana leaves the room
[00:28:47] cel leaves the room
[00:28:47] cel leaves the room
[00:28:47] cel leaves the room
[00:29:07] cel joins the room
[00:29:08] cel joins the room
[00:29:49] stp leaves the room
[00:29:52] banana joins the room
[00:29:55] cel joins the room
[00:30:38] Julian leaves the room
[00:30:43] Julian joins the room
[00:35:14] ermete leaves the room
[00:35:14] rain leaves the room
[00:38:42] Neimi leaves the room
[00:38:42] rain joins the room
[00:39:25] Adrien joins the room
[00:39:26] sander leaves the room
[00:39:47] sander joins the room
[00:40:16] Adrien leaves the room
[00:41:52] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[00:42:08] ermete joins the room
[00:44:14] jjj333_p (any pronouns) leaves the room
[00:44:20] jjj333_p (any pronouns) joins the room
[00:44:24] SouL leaves the room
[00:45:28] rain leaves the room
[00:46:36] banana leaves the room
[00:49:32] ermete leaves the room
[00:51:51] bugi leaves the room
[00:59:53] rain joins the room
[01:00:07] johuck leaves the room
[01:00:44] johuck joins the room
[01:04:50] dusty leaves the room
[01:05:38] mogad0n leaves the room
[01:05:55] rain leaves the room
[01:05:59] mogad0n joins the room
[01:08:38] banana joins the room
[01:14:19] ermete joins the room
[01:25:20] moparisthebest leaves the room
[01:26:07] r00tobo joins the room
[01:27:57] nito leaves the room
[01:30:14] schäfchen726 leaves the room
[01:38:15] ermete leaves the room
[01:39:20] sarvo leaves the room
[01:43:30] gooya leaves the room
[01:47:51] ermete joins the room
[01:47:56] Frank leaves the room
[01:48:46] sarvo joins the room
[01:49:59] abba leaves the room
[01:50:00] abba joins the room
[01:51:48] zeank leaves the room
[01:52:48] zeank joins the room
[01:56:00] Neimi leaves the room
[02:00:23] ermete leaves the room
[02:03:24] sarvo leaves the room
[02:04:35] r00tobo leaves the room
[02:06:04] uira leaves the room
[02:07:16] mayloo89 joins the room
[02:11:09] zoidberg joins the room
[02:14:57] midou leaves the room
[02:15:22] midou joins the room
[02:18:02] cel leaves the room
[02:18:40] sonny leaves the room
[02:26:38] maidlover leaves the room
[02:32:32] ermete joins the room
[02:33:20] stefan leaves the room
[02:33:27] stefan joins the room
[02:38:32] deimosBSD leaves the room
[02:39:03] ermete leaves the room
[02:40:05] deimosBSD joins the room
[02:43:00] nega†ive1 joins the room
[02:44:20] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[02:44:53] ermete joins the room
[02:45:54] nutcracker500 joins the room
[02:49:57] leke joins the room
[02:55:14] ChaosKid42 leaves the room
[02:55:14] ChaosKid42 joins the room
[02:56:34] dusty joins the room
[02:56:49] ermete leaves the room
[02:58:48] banana leaves the room
[02:59:41] cel joins the room
[03:00:01] ermete joins the room
[03:02:02] Amolith leaves the room
[03:02:15] Amolith joins the room
[03:02:38] Neimi joins the room
[03:03:04] 神楽坂喵 leaves the room
[03:03:04] 神楽坂喵 leaves the room
[03:03:25] mogad0n leaves the room
[03:04:00] uira joins the room
[03:04:37] Emru leaves the room
[03:05:01] dusty leaves the room
[03:06:20] abdullahi leaves the room
[03:06:34] ermete leaves the room
[03:08:01] pinkolik joins the room
[03:10:29] mogad0n joins the room
[03:10:54] abdullahi joins the room
[03:15:07] stp joins the room
[03:16:37] mogad0n leaves the room
[03:16:40] leke leaves the room
[03:17:00] banana joins the room
[03:17:19] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[03:18:57] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[03:19:32] mogad0n joins the room
[03:20:18] nutcracker500 joins the room
[03:24:59] 神楽坂喵 joins the room
[03:24:59] 神楽坂喵 joins the room
[03:27:00] qbit leaves the room
[03:27:09] jjj333_p (any pronouns) leaves the room
[03:27:12] jjj333_p (any pronouns) joins the room
[03:27:41] leke joins the room
[03:31:01] abba leaves the room
[03:31:03] abba joins the room
[03:31:39] nega†ive1 joins the room
[03:33:23] cel joins the room
[03:34:15] uira leaves the room
[03:37:37] alacer leaves the room
[03:37:37] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[03:39:09] rain leaves the room
[03:39:10] rain joins the room
[03:39:24] nutcracker500 joins the room
[03:43:25] Benson joins the room
[03:43:38] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[03:45:20] alacer joins the room
[03:46:01] ff joins the room
[03:46:06] neox leaves the room
[03:46:37] ermete joins the room
[03:47:14] neox joins the room
[03:52:11] ermete leaves the room
[03:53:44] leke leaves the room
[03:57:42] moparisthebest joins the room
[04:00:16] ermete joins the room
[04:07:29] mogad0n leaves the room
[04:07:47] mogad0n joins the room
[04:09:29] leke joins the room
[04:10:48] JonNJ joins the room
[04:13:55] mogad0n leaves the room
[04:14:35] mogad0n joins the room
[04:16:27] abba leaves the room
[04:16:29] abba joins the room
[04:17:39] pod joins the room
[04:19:07] kinetik leaves the room
[04:19:46] raucao leaves the room
[04:19:50] raucao joins the room
[04:21:05] snowstorm leaves the room
[04:21:16] cel leaves the room
[04:22:50] uira joins the room
[04:26:30] ermete leaves the room
[04:28:24] Frank joins the room
[04:29:19] cel leaves the room
[04:29:21] cel joins the room
[04:33:17] banana leaves the room
[04:34:42] ermete joins the room
[04:34:47] sarvo joins the room
[04:40:57] ermete leaves the room
[04:46:14] moparisthebest leaves the room
[04:46:20] moparisthebest joins the room
[04:47:56] abba leaves the room
[04:47:57] abba joins the room
[04:48:15] LNJ joins the room
[04:49:06] kaptan joins the room
[04:49:08] pod joins the room
[04:49:49] uira leaves the room
[04:52:07] tobiasd joins the room
[04:53:06] reso leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[04:53:14] random_tester_123 joins the room
[04:53:15] reso joins the room
[04:58:43] yellow leaves the room
[04:59:33] yellow joins the room
[05:02:38] robert_mobil joins the room
[05:07:10] LNJ leaves the room
[05:07:38] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[05:08:01] deimosBSD leaves the room
[05:08:24] deimosBSD joins the room
[05:14:46] Sally leaves the room
[05:16:18] uira joins the room
[05:18:14] sarvo leaves the room
[05:19:25] christian joins the room
[05:19:32] banana joins the room
[05:20:37] jjj333_p (any pronouns) leaves the room
[05:20:40] jjj333_p (any pronouns) joins the room
[05:23:01] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[05:24:19] sarvo joins the room
[05:24:19] ermete joins the room
[05:24:51] Neustradamus joins the room
[05:28:15] moparisthebest leaves the room
[05:28:29] Titi joins the room
[05:28:55] banana joins the room
[05:29:04] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[05:30:47] nutcracker500 joins the room
[05:30:54] Titi joins the room
[05:33:49] karme joins the room
[05:37:55] banana leaves the room
[05:38:38] ma1uta leaves the room
[05:39:40] zoidberg joins the room
[05:40:59] Steven joins the room
[05:42:51] banana leaves the room
[05:43:43] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[05:44:35] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[05:46:04] ermete leaves the room
[05:46:20] random_tester_123 leaves the room
[05:46:48] nutcracker500 joins the room
[05:47:44] neox leaves the room
[05:50:15] neox joins the room
[05:50:28] yellow leaves the room
[05:50:35] yellow joins the room
[05:53:04] marc36 joins the room
[05:53:50] mirux joins the room
[05:56:21] rintinfinn joins the room
[05:56:28] uira leaves the room
[05:56:50] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[05:58:05] neox leaves the room
[05:58:07] Kris leaves the room
[05:58:18] Kris joins the room
[05:58:21] random_tester_123 joins the room
[05:58:29] neox joins the room
[05:59:31] ma1uta joins the room
[05:59:35] Steven leaves the room
[05:59:41] Steven joins the room
[06:00:42] Steven leaves the room
[06:00:44] Steven joins the room
[06:01:45] abba leaves the room
[06:01:46] abba joins the room
[06:01:51] Neimi joins the room
[06:04:19] SouL joins the room
[06:06:15] St0ne joins the room
[06:08:27] JonNJ leaves the room
[06:10:26] Titi leaves the room
[06:11:10] camille-dupont leaves the room
[06:11:14] mogad0n leaves the room
[06:11:27] mogad0n joins the room
[06:11:32] reso leaves the room
[06:11:46] reso joins the room
[06:12:29] mirux joins the room
[06:17:13] Titi leaves the room
[06:17:37] deimosBSD leaves the room
[06:20:31] eevvoor joins the room
[06:20:35] sarvo joins the room
[06:22:03] karme joins the room
[06:23:21] rom1dep leaves the room
[06:23:28] mikel leaves the room: Disconnected: Hibernating too long
[06:23:29] rom1dep joins the room
[06:23:51] mikel joins the room
[06:25:21] robert_mobil joins the room
[06:26:20] samuel joins the room
[06:27:50] danielepiccoli joins the room
[06:29:17] nega†ive1 joins the room
[06:30:11] robert_mobil joins the room
[06:30:31] Steven leaves the room
[06:31:47] Jeroen joins the room
[06:31:49] Jeroen leaves the room
[06:36:34] Benson leaves the room
[06:37:13] mogad0n leaves the room
[06:37:36] raucao leaves the room
[06:37:39] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[06:37:39] raucao joins the room
[06:37:42] mogad0n joins the room
[06:38:28] karme leaves the room
[06:40:06] banana joins the room
[06:49:00] Squeaky Latex Folf leaves the room
[06:49:08] Squeaky Latex Folf joins the room
[06:49:27] Alexander joins the room
[06:51:28] debacle joins the room
[06:53:02] ru_maniac leaves the room
[06:53:41] ru_maniac joins the room
[06:54:47] ave leaves the room
[06:54:48] ave joins the room
[06:55:47] Squeaky Latex Folf leaves the room
[06:55:52] Squeaky Latex Folf joins the room
[06:56:10] henrik leaves the room
[06:56:11] Manis joins the room
[06:58:54] sarvo leaves the room
[06:58:56] marc36 joins the room
[07:02:26] kaptan leaves the room
[07:02:41] sarvo joins the room
[07:03:22] Manis leaves the room
[07:03:24] Manis joins the room
[07:05:04] henrik joins the room
[07:05:05] uira joins the room
[07:05:24] mogad0n leaves the room
[07:05:32] Steven joins the room
[07:06:57] sezuan leaves the room
[07:09:29] igor joins the room
[07:09:38] r00tobo joins the room
[07:12:16] raucao leaves the room
[07:12:18] raucao joins the room
[07:12:28] kaptan joins the room
[07:13:46] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[07:17:14] barlas joins the room
[07:17:22] mogad0n joins the room
[07:19:04] AsyncTh joins the room
[07:19:21] ermete joins the room
[07:20:09] abba joins the room
[07:22:05] john leaves the room
[07:22:32] ij leaves the room
[07:24:00] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[07:26:22] abba leaves the room
[07:31:10] uira leaves the room
[07:32:26] kaptan leaves the room
[07:32:53] schäfchen726 joins the room
[07:33:50] JonNJ joins the room
[07:33:50] debacle leaves the room
[07:38:25] christian leaves the room
[07:38:26] DzajewSH leaves the room
[07:38:33] christian joins the room
[07:39:35] kaptan joins the room
[07:40:07] uira joins the room
[07:40:17] writer77 joins the room
[07:40:40] henrik leaves the room
[07:42:25] jesse leaves the room
[07:44:27] marc joins the room
[07:45:25] mogad0n leaves the room
[07:46:28] maidlover joins the room
[07:48:06] mogad0n joins the room
[07:49:22] Emru joins the room
[07:50:11] sezuan joins the room
[07:52:24] ermete leaves the room
[07:52:49] zeank joins the room
[07:52:52] saarko joins the room
[07:53:46] igor leaves the room
[07:57:19] saarko leaves the room
[07:58:57] Olivia joins the room
[07:59:21] samuel leaves the room
[08:00:36] tobiasd leaves the room
[08:00:46] SouL leaves the room
[08:08:30] abba joins the room
[08:11:54] Steven leaves the room
[08:13:22] Steven joins the room
[08:13:55] samuel joins the room
[08:14:23] abba leaves the room
[08:14:41] LNJ joins the room
[08:17:00] SouL joins the room
[08:20:02] samuel leaves the room
[08:21:08] marc leaves the room
[08:22:06] samuel joins the room
[08:22:25] henrik joins the room
[08:23:11] rintinfinn joins the room
[08:24:27] Steven leaves the room
[08:24:52] tobiasd joins the room
[08:25:05] Olivia leaves the room
[08:25:19] marc joins the room
[08:25:52] LNJ leaves the room
[08:27:48] Steven joins the room
[08:29:16] alacer leaves the room
[08:29:25] DzajewSH joins the room
[08:32:02] sarvo leaves the room
[08:35:54] zain joins the room
[08:36:26] Titi joins the room
[08:37:02] kaptan joins the room
[08:40:02] tobiasd joins the room
[08:41:17] ermete joins the room
[08:41:47] neox joins the room
[08:41:49] Steven leaves the room
[08:42:06] banana leaves the room
[08:44:04] kaptan leaves the room
[08:44:09] alacer joins the room
[08:44:41] zoidberg leaves the room
[08:47:14] ermete leaves the room
[08:47:56] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[08:48:02] ermete joins the room
[08:48:51] neox leaves the room
[08:49:18] mogad0n leaves the room
[08:50:33] Holger joins the room
[08:51:25] zoidberg joins the room
[08:51:37] serafean joins the room
[08:51:54] mogad0n joins the room
[08:52:27] nega†ive1 joins the room
[08:53:00] Adrien leaves the room
[08:53:36] abba leaves the room
[08:53:38] abba joins the room
[08:54:27] neox joins the room
[08:54:32] kaptan joins the room
[08:54:55] kaptan leaves the room
[08:57:06] Adrien joins the room
[08:57:10] mikel leaves the room
[08:58:14] inkey joins the room
[08:58:34] LNJ joins the room
[08:59:22] r00tobo leaves the room
[08:59:52] agates leaves the room
[08:59:55] agates joins the room
[09:01:15] chrys joins the room
[09:01:33] debacle joins the room
[09:04:12] abba joins the room
[09:04:16] ermete leaves the room
[09:04:21] uira leaves the room
[09:06:56] abba leaves the room
[09:08:41] badmuff leaves the room
[09:08:42] badmuff joins the room
[09:10:11] abba leaves the room
[09:12:16] abba joins the room
[09:12:36] Satish joins the room
[09:13:06] marc leaves the room
[09:13:22] Steven leaves the room
[09:13:35] Sally joins the room
[09:15:44] rom1dep joins the room
[09:17:49] AsyncTh leaves the room
[09:17:52] Qasim solimany joins the room
[09:18:10] abba leaves the room
[09:18:11] abba joins the room
[09:19:18] mikel joins the room
[09:19:37] Sally leaves the room
[09:22:24] Jeroen joins the room
[09:22:25] Jeroen leaves the room
[09:23:49] marc joins the room
[09:25:10] gooya joins the room
[09:26:45] ZHOSKA leaves the room
[09:29:01] henrik joins the room
[09:30:11] ZHOSKA joins the room
[09:30:52] ws joins the room
[09:31:09] rain joins the room
[09:32:06] ws leaves the room
[09:32:39] neox leaves the room
[09:33:11] egnun leaves the room
[09:34:36] mogad0n leaves the room
[09:34:42] eevvoor leaves the room
[09:35:03] neox joins the room
[09:36:09] rintinfinn leaves the room
[09:36:48] sonny joins the room
[09:36:57] mogad0n joins the room
[09:37:49] Holger leaves the room
[09:40:14] ZHOSKA leaves the room
[09:40:26] ws joins the room
[09:41:25] ws leaves the room
[09:41:37] ZHOSKA joins the room
[09:43:11] rintinfinn joins the room
[09:44:00] debacle joins the room
[09:44:16] debacle leaves the room
[09:49:12] mogad0n leaves the room
[09:50:11] mogad0n joins the room
[09:51:50] abba leaves the room
[09:51:52] abba joins the room
[09:57:28] ZHOSKA leaves the room
[09:59:20] pico joins the room
[10:03:17] igor leaves the room
[10:03:27] chrys leaves the room
[10:03:35] Steven joins the room
[10:03:45] Kris leaves the room
[10:04:12] samuel leaves the room
[10:04:28] Kris joins the room
[10:04:33] Qasim solimany leaves the room
[10:08:27] marc leaves the room
[10:09:44] zain leaves the room
[10:09:51] meson joins the room
[10:11:28] rom1dep leaves the room
[10:11:39] mogad0n leaves the room
[10:12:13] nega†ive1 joins the room
[10:13:42] karme joins the room
[10:14:03] eevvoor joins the room
[10:15:47] Benson joins the room
[10:16:37] Emru joins the room
[10:16:53] paul joins the room
[10:17:44] nutcracker500 joins the room
[10:18:43] marc joins the room
[10:19:34] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[10:19:34] rain leaves the room
[10:20:33] midou leaves the room
[10:22:24] kaptan leaves the room
[10:23:16] paul leaves the room
[10:25:14] rain joins the room
[10:25:36] Tim joins the room
[10:26:54] Titi leaves the room
[10:31:03] ru_maniac leaves the room
[10:31:28] ru_maniac joins the room
[10:31:58] midou joins the room
[10:32:33] kaptan joins the room
[10:33:26] rain joins the room
[10:34:47] sonny leaves the room
[10:34:55] gooya leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[10:35:14] gooya joins the room
[10:37:32] Jeroen joins the room
[10:37:34] Jeroen leaves the room
[10:39:10] Qasim solimany joins the room
[10:39:31] erik joins the room
[10:41:12] ZHOSKA joins the room
[10:41:58] yzrh leaves the room
[10:44:20] yzrh joins the room
[10:45:00] neox leaves the room
[10:45:01] VC leaves the room
[10:45:11] neox joins the room
[10:45:14] abba leaves the room
[10:45:16] VC joins the room
[10:46:13] seyon leaves the room
[10:46:15] seyon joins the room
[10:46:41] meson joins the room
[10:46:45] sachaobado joins the room
[10:47:18] zoidberg leaves the room
[10:49:05] abba joins the room
[10:49:42] paul joins the room
[10:53:28] paul leaves the room
[10:54:20] paul joins the room
[10:55:03] mikel leaves the room
[10:56:01] paul leaves the room
[10:58:16] paul joins the room
[10:58:38] meson leaves the room
[11:00:20] paul leaves the room
[11:00:41] erik leaves the room
[11:01:37] writer77 leaves the room
[11:02:34] mikel joins the room
[11:03:38] ws joins the room
[11:04:10] ws leaves the room
[11:04:20] meson joins the room
[11:04:39] ws joins the room
[11:04:57] paul joins the room
[11:05:11] ws leaves the room
[11:07:02] Olivia joins the room
[11:07:44] banana joins the room
[11:08:18] Qasim solimany leaves the room
[11:08:33] rintinfinn leaves the room
[11:09:14] meson leaves the room
[11:09:14] meson joins the room
[11:10:01] Holger joins the room
[11:10:04] kapad joins the room
[11:10:29] tricky joins the room
[11:10:32] tricky joins the room
[11:10:43] rintinfinn joins the room
[11:12:08] Sally joins the room
[11:12:36] robert_mobil leaves the room
[11:13:24] robert_mobil joins the room
[11:13:44] meson leaves the room
[11:13:44] meson joins the room
[11:14:58] Hanketsu joins the room
[11:17:25] kaptan leaves the room
[11:18:06] samuel joins the room
[11:19:44] meson leaves the room
[11:22:34] karme leaves the room
[11:24:31] Mario leaves the room
[11:24:32] Mario joins the room
[11:24:45] Titi joins the room
[11:26:40] tricky leaves the room
[11:26:42] tricky joins the room
[11:27:05] inkey leaves the room
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[13:48:33] <meson> I have question regarding starttls and tls: Daniel writes
> The #XMPP community should move away from STARTTLS.
ejabberd docs write
> This was the traditional encryption method in the early Jabber software (...). But this method is nowadays deprecated and not recommended. The preferable encryption method is STARTTLS on port 5222
which sounds like quiet the opposite?
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[13:51:25] <dwd> The recommendation used to be different ports, then became STARTTLS, and then has mostly switched back. There's lots of reasons for the back and forth, mostly only of historical interest. XEP-0368 is the way forward, for sure - now.
[13:53:07] <dwd> Also, only C2S had the separate port - TLS on S2S was "new" with the RFC process and StartTLS. S2S/TLS on a separate port is new with XEP-0368.
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[13:53:54] <zoidberg> meson: i asked the same question some time ago, and the answer was: zoidberg, that comment is a bit outdated.  Back in the days, direct TLS was the way to go, then STARTTLS was the way to go, today direct TLS is the way to go.  IT hypes come and go in waves.
[13:54:15] <meson> Alright, thank you both!
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[13:55:54] <Licaon_Kter> Profanity needs `tls legacy` for DirectTLS on 5222 on my server... confusing things...
[13:56:21] <zoidberg> Kinda of matches what Dwd said. So its settle. When those big brains agree we are on the right track.
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[13:57:17] <dwd> FWIW, I know Chris Newman, who wrote the original StartTLS design, and he's quite embarrassed by it now. But at the time, it had lots of good reasons for going that way. But they're no longer good reasons - nobody, for example, expects to get better encryption then TLS through SASL by using Kerberos. As another bit of amusing history, jabberd I think used to handle both StartTLS and direct TLS on the same port, as a transition to StartTLS. Metre (my weird S2S proxy thing) does the same now for S2S, for transitioning the other way...
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[14:02:17] <zoidberg> I am sure that soon somebody will come up with something like StartTLSPlus 25% safer and 15%faster.
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[14:10:18] <dwd> Unlikely. TLS is now well-established as the encryption layer. The next transition will probably be TCP+TLS to QUIC.
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[14:12:10] <zoidberg> and how the FAST mechanism fits fits on all this? Is there some documentation that explains it all in some easier language?
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[14:14:47] <moparisthebest> > Unlikely. TLS is now well-established as the encryption layer. The next transition will probably be TCP+TLS to QUIC.
Next? We've had that for some time
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[14:17:28] <moparisthebest> Next will be Webtransport, which has been done and working for over a year but I still need to write the spec...
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[14:34:18] <Holger> > meson: i asked the same question some time ago, and the answer was: zoidberg, that comment is a bit outdated.  Back in the days, direct TLS was the way to go, then STARTTLS was the way to go, today direct TLS is the way to go.  IT hypes come and go in waves.
Somebody™ should submit a PR to adjust the docs to the current wave, yes.
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[14:36:34] <Kris> Na, it will just be outdated again in ten years. No one has time to update the docs that often /s
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[14:36:53] <zoidberg> Maybe if you wait a bit more it will be accurate again.
[14:37:01] <zoidberg> Like a broken clock.
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[17:03:46] <dwd> moparisthebest, Do we have one for XMPP/QUIC yet?
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[17:04:35] <moparisthebest> Yes, years ago
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[17:05:03] <Holger> moparisthebest is always years ahead og the community 🙂
[17:05:07] <Holger> moparisthebest is always years ahead of the community 🙂
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[17:06:30] <moparisthebest> dwd: &
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[17:31:16] <Licaon_Kter> _There's a XEP for that!!!_
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[17:39:36] <Kris> And an implementation as a proxy.
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[17:40:08] <Kris> But uptake seems very limited
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