Wednesday, February 26, 2025< ^ >
zinid has set the subject to: ejabberd discussions:
Room Configuration
Room Occupants
Show Occupants Join/Leave

[00:01:49] qbit joins the room
[00:02:26] PatRiot leaves the room
[00:03:17] mogad0n leaves the room
[00:04:14] EmleyMoor joins the room
[00:09:16] Sally leaves the room
[00:09:16] Kris leaves the room
[00:09:39] Sally joins the room
[00:10:22] reso leaves the room
[00:13:16] mogad0n joins the room
[00:13:40] banana joins the room
[00:14:40] cel joins the room
[00:15:04] sander joins the room
[00:19:00] qbit leaves the room
[00:19:40] sarvo leaves the room
[00:20:06] mogad0n leaves the room
[00:20:22] reso joins the room
[00:20:22] lucas leaves the room
[00:20:22] lucas leaves the room
[00:20:22] lucas leaves the room
[00:20:45] debacle joins the room
[00:21:07] debacle leaves the room
[00:21:26] sarvo joins the room
[00:21:43] lucas joins the room
[00:21:51] igor leaves the room
[00:21:52] Neimi leaves the room
[00:22:28] debacle joins the room
[00:23:14] debacle leaves the room
[00:24:50] lucas joins the room
[00:25:03] leke joins the room
[00:25:37] samuel leaves the room
[00:26:54] banana leaves the room
[00:27:50] mogad0n joins the room
[00:28:16] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[00:28:28] banana joins the room
[00:31:15] ermete leaves the room
[00:32:16] leke leaves the room
[00:33:24] debacle leaves the room
[00:36:29] mikel leaves the room: Disconnected: Hibernating too long
[00:38:25] rain leaves the room
[00:38:25] rain joins the room
[00:41:30] rain leaves the room
[00:41:31] rain joins the room
[00:44:24] rain leaves the room
[00:44:51] rain leaves the room
[00:47:20] SouL leaves the room
[00:49:23] ermete joins the room
[00:49:55] leke joins the room
[00:52:27] SouL joins the room
[00:52:52] qbit joins the room
[00:53:31] ermete leaves the room
[00:53:31] ermete joins the room
[00:56:54] Marc leaves the room
[00:58:12] Marc joins the room
[00:59:22] leke leaves the room
[01:02:07] uira joins the room
[01:04:58] gooya leaves the room
[01:05:09] banana leaves the room
[01:05:24] deimosBSD leaves the room
[01:05:27] banana joins the room
[01:07:36] 窃火者 leaves the room
[01:08:03] ermete leaves the room
[01:09:19] Сергій joins the room
[01:09:47] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[01:12:29] jesse leaves the room
[01:16:31] Сергій leaves the room
[01:16:49] john leaves the room
[01:20:12] mogad0n leaves the room
[01:21:02] leke joins the room
[01:21:32] de-facto leaves the room
[01:23:39] mako joins the room
[01:23:44] mogad0n joins the room
[01:24:17] camille-dupont leaves the room
[01:26:20] snowstorm joins the room
[01:26:51] mako leaves the room
[01:27:19] de-facto joins the room
[01:27:31] mako joins the room
[01:36:17] camille-dupont joins the room
[01:36:25] ermete joins the room
[01:38:02] cel leaves the room
[01:38:02] cel leaves the room
[01:38:02] cel leaves the room
[01:38:06] leke leaves the room
[01:38:21] cel joins the room
[01:38:21] cel joins the room
[01:38:59] cel joins the room
[01:40:47] bio leaves the room
[01:41:13] qbit leaves the room
[01:46:54] leke joins the room
[01:48:12] nega†ive1 joins the room
[01:48:18] ermete leaves the room
[01:51:20] red curry leaves the room
[01:51:21] red curry joins the room
[01:51:35] sarvo joins the room
[01:52:05] jesse joins the room
[01:55:23] carlosr joins the room
[01:56:17] mogad0n leaves the room
[01:56:43] igor joins the room
[02:01:24] IGImonster leaves the room
[02:04:32] SouL leaves the room
[02:06:47] camille-dupont leaves the room
[02:11:11] zain leaves the room
[02:11:58] deimosBSD joins the room
[02:12:08] deimosBSD joins the room
[02:13:17] mogad0n joins the room
[02:13:46] eru joins the room
[02:13:57] IGImonster joins the room
[02:13:57] eru leaves the room
[02:17:49] deimosBSD leaves the room
[02:18:48] leke leaves the room
[02:18:50] zoidberg joins the room
[02:20:08] mogad0n leaves the room
[02:20:25] camille-dupont joins the room
[02:20:34] jesse leaves the room
[02:20:49] mogad0n joins the room
[02:21:13] snowstorm leaves the room
[02:22:41] ermete joins the room
[02:23:39] sarvo leaves the room
[02:23:39] sarvo joins the room
[02:24:19] fabio leaves the room
[02:25:17] leke joins the room
[02:27:49] bio leaves the room
[02:29:02] Benson joins the room
[02:32:31] leke leaves the room
[02:33:09] leke joins the room
[02:34:24] zoidberg leaves the room
[02:37:29] claas leaves the room
[02:37:51] yellow leaves the room
[02:37:57] mogad0n leaves the room
[02:38:43] claas joins the room
[02:38:44] ermete leaves the room
[02:39:15] mogad0n joins the room
[02:40:24] 窃火者 joins the room
[02:46:46] ermete joins the room
[02:51:41] leke leaves the room
[02:55:41] leke joins the room
[02:56:08] jesse joins the room
[02:57:41] IGImonster leaves the room
[02:58:33] Satish joins the room
[03:01:04] Hanketsu leaves the room
[03:03:18] carlosr leaves the room
[03:04:22] leke leaves the room
[03:06:03] camille-dupont leaves the room
[03:07:35] rintinfinn leaves the room
[03:07:45] Manis leaves the room
[03:07:49] leke joins the room
[03:09:53] camille-dupont leaves the room
[03:11:54] lucas joins the room
[03:14:58] leke leaves the room
[03:16:13] leke joins the room
[03:23:08] nutcracker500 joins the room
[03:23:26] leke leaves the room
[03:24:20] leke joins the room
[03:25:24] kapad leaves the room: .
[03:26:55] ermete leaves the room
[03:30:41] Sally joins the room
[03:30:57] stp joins the room
[03:31:14] zoidberg joins the room
[03:31:40] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[03:32:17] leke leaves the room
[03:32:28] jesse leaves the room
[03:32:28] Sally leaves the room
[03:32:31] leke joins the room
[03:32:40] Frank leaves the room
[03:32:49] fabio joins the room
[03:34:39] badmuff joins the room
[03:36:11] nito joins the room
[03:36:16] badmuff leaves the room
[03:37:00] badmuff joins the room
[03:38:17] Mario leaves the room
[03:38:24] rain leaves the room
[03:38:25] rain joins the room
[03:40:00] leke leaves the room
[03:41:16] danielepiccoli joins the room
[03:41:27] leke joins the room
[03:42:03] badmuff leaves the room
[03:43:27] IGImonster joins the room
[03:45:50] ff joins the room
[03:46:05] sarvo leaves the room
[03:46:08] sarvo joins the room
[03:46:54] pinkolik joins the room
[03:47:56] moparisthebest joins the room
[03:53:11] henrik leaves the room
[03:53:37] nito leaves the room
[03:58:00] IGImonster leaves the room
[04:00:13] Сергій joins the room
[04:07:58] IGImonster joins the room
[04:09:03] Benson leaves the room
[04:09:10] Benson joins the room
[04:12:08] ta joins the room
[04:13:51] john joins the room
[04:14:45] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[04:16:42] igor leaves the room
[04:21:53] r00tobo joins the room
[04:24:54] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[04:25:27] leke joins the room
[04:27:43] Frank joins the room
[04:29:44] random_tester_123 joins the room
[04:31:44] mogad0n leaves the room
[04:36:36] igor joins the room
[04:37:06] igor joins the room
[04:37:47] mogad0n joins the room
[04:38:25] leke leaves the room
[04:38:56] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[04:38:56] robert_mobil joins the room
[04:39:20] leke joins the room
[04:40:48] JonNJ joins the room
[04:40:55] pod joins the room
[04:43:38] igor leaves the room
[04:44:19] mikel joins the room
[04:44:37] mogad0n leaves the room
[04:45:16] hammock-backer leaves the room
[04:45:30] badmuff leaves the room
[04:46:07] mogad0n joins the room
[04:46:20] leke leaves the room
[04:46:49] leke joins the room
[04:47:42] hammock-backer joins the room
[04:51:24] tobiasd joins the room
[04:53:05] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[04:53:36] leke leaves the room
[04:54:00] danielepiccoli joins the room
[04:54:09] leke joins the room
[04:59:05] mogad0n leaves the room
[05:01:01] moparisthebest leaves the room
[05:01:22] leke leaves the room
[05:01:59] leke joins the room
[05:02:19] qy leaves the room
[05:02:31] qy joins the room
[05:05:24] pod joins the room
[05:07:20] 窃火者 leaves the room
[05:08:59] leke leaves the room
[05:09:49] ermete joins the room
[05:10:48] leke joins the room
[05:11:03] badmuff joins the room
[05:11:18] pod joins the room
[05:14:19] rossen joins the room
[05:14:24] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[05:18:14] ChaosKid42 leaves the room
[05:18:14] ChaosKid42 joins the room
[05:18:45] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[05:18:46] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[05:19:32] henrik joins the room
[05:20:53] mirux joins the room
[05:32:32] spacecat leaves the room
[05:34:14] Kris leaves the room
[05:34:45] kaptan joins the room
[05:34:51] Kris joins the room
[05:35:10] spacecat joins the room
[05:35:38] carlo joins the room
[05:37:26] karme joins the room
[05:37:42] carlo joins the room
[05:41:32] abba joins the room
[05:42:06] lamerok leaves the room
[05:42:15] lamerok leaves the room
[05:43:00] badmuff leaves the room
[05:43:43] ma1uta leaves the room
[05:44:01] Neimi joins the room
[05:45:15] info joins the room
[05:46:29] eevvoor joins the room
[05:47:00] Olivia joins the room
[05:48:10] badmuff joins the room
[05:48:13] ma1uta joins the room
[05:49:45] 窃火者 joins the room
[05:50:53] PatRiot joins the room
[05:53:11] Olivia leaves the room
[05:57:37] zoidberg leaves the room
[05:58:54] insanity leaves the room
[05:59:49] writer77 joins the room
[06:00:07] marc36 joins the room
[06:00:08] SouL joins the room
[06:01:45] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[06:03:04] Satish leaves the room
[06:03:06] Satish joins the room
[06:08:11] agh joins the room
[06:09:24] Sally leaves the room
[06:09:43] Benson leaves the room
[06:11:46] Chanaka Jayalath joins the room
[06:14:47] 窃火者 leaves the room
[06:15:15] 窃火者 joins the room
[06:15:37] Olivia joins the room
[06:16:47] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[06:17:54] mirux joins the room
[06:20:46] ffunk leaves the room
[06:20:48] ffunk joins the room
[06:22:13] robert_mobil joins the room
[06:24:03] Xi joins the room
[06:24:27] 窃火者 leaves the room
[06:26:00] zoidberg joins the room
[06:26:24] maidlover joins the room
[06:27:19] rintinfinn joins the room
[06:28:42] mogad0n joins the room
[06:29:59] danielepiccoli joins the room
[06:30:02] Titi joins the room
[06:30:13] christian joins the room
[06:34:27] APach leaves the room
[06:34:34] APach joins the room
[06:38:45] rossen leaves the room
[06:39:06] sonny joins the room
[06:39:44] sonny leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[06:39:47] sonny joins the room
[06:40:03] Steven joins the room
[06:40:56] ermete leaves the room
[06:42:32] lamerok joins the room
[06:42:39] lamerok joins the room
[06:44:01] Marc joins the room
[06:48:16] Squeaky Latex Folf leaves the room
[06:48:21] Squeaky Latex Folf joins the room
[06:48:23] barlas joins the room
[06:54:55] marc joins the room
[06:56:15] jc joins the room
[06:56:24] deimosBSD leaves the room
[06:58:39] Alexander joins the room
[06:58:49] debacle joins the room
[06:59:01] Chanaka Jayalath leaves the room
[06:59:26] kaptan leaves the room
[07:03:08] mogad0n leaves the room
[07:04:17] nega†ive1 joins the room
[07:04:41] 窃火者 joins the room
[07:07:08] mirux leaves the room
[07:09:29] kaptan joins the room
[07:10:18] Qasim solimany joins the room
[07:10:43] mogad0n joins the room
[07:12:53] Manis joins the room
[07:20:53] ij leaves the room
[07:22:05] ermete joins the room
[07:22:21] fernando joins the room
[07:22:31] ermete leaves the room
[07:22:32] ermete joins the room
[07:22:48] Emru joins the room
[07:22:59] fernando leaves the room
[07:23:40] hexZoN3 leaves the room
[07:23:57] hexZoN3 joins the room
[07:29:13] banana leaves the room
[07:41:28] tobiasd joins the room
[07:41:50] erik leaves the room
[07:42:29] zoidberg leaves the room
[07:42:32] zoidberg joins the room
[07:42:32] samuel joins the room
[07:42:53] erik joins the room
[07:46:27] r00tobo leaves the room
[07:49:49] pod leaves the room
[07:49:53] dwd joins the room
[07:51:44] jannic leaves the room
[07:51:50] jannic joins the room
[07:52:24] r00tobo joins the room
[07:52:57] jannic leaves the room
[07:53:11] jannic joins the room
[07:55:13] neox joins the room
[07:56:24] marc leaves the room
[07:57:32] samuel leaves the room
[08:01:24] hexZoN3 leaves the room
[08:02:22] andrey.g joins the room
[08:03:55] samuel joins the room
[08:07:23] mirux joins the room
[08:10:59] Licaon_Kter leaves the room
[08:11:02] Licaon_Kter joins the room
[08:11:06] EOF leaves the room
[08:11:06] EOF joins the room
[08:11:27] marc joins the room
[08:12:13] zoidberg joins the room
[08:12:25] Drakfot joins the room
[08:12:53] tobiasd leaves the room
[08:14:49] chrys joins the room
[08:15:53] Adrien leaves the room
[08:15:55] pod leaves the room
[08:17:27] schäfchen726 leaves the room
[08:18:05] schäfchen726 joins the room
[08:19:30] pod joins the room
[08:19:32] pod leaves the room
[08:19:46] schäfchen726 leaves the room
[08:20:33] Adrien joins the room
[08:21:02] karme joins the room
[08:21:32] schäfchen726 joins the room
[08:21:33] Adrien leaves the room
[08:23:44] yellow joins the room
[08:24:53] chrys leaves the room
[08:25:12] zoidberg leaves the room
[08:25:26] igor joins the room
[08:26:25] chrys leaves the room
[08:26:33] Adrien joins the room
[08:27:07] pod joins the room
[08:27:19] pod leaves the room
[08:27:33] Adrien leaves the room
[08:28:06] chrys joins the room
[08:28:56] chrys joins the room
[08:29:30] tobiasd leaves the room
[08:29:39] rintinfinn joins the room
[08:30:10] chrys leaves the room
[08:30:23] chrys joins the room
[08:32:37] tobiasd joins the room
[08:32:54] Adrien joins the room
[08:33:54] Adrien leaves the room
[08:34:01] chrys leaves the room
[08:34:31] midou leaves the room
[08:34:57] midou joins the room
[08:36:06] Squeaky Latex Folf leaves the room
[08:36:13] Squeaky Latex Folf joins the room
[08:36:45] eevvoor leaves the room
[08:37:50] marc leaves the room
[08:38:16] eevvoor joins the room
[08:38:44] Adrien joins the room
[08:39:03] jc leaves the room
[08:39:14] jannic leaves the room
[08:39:20] jannic joins the room
[08:39:24] chrys joins the room
[08:39:44] Adrien leaves the room
[08:40:32] neox leaves the room
[08:42:27] neox joins the room
[08:42:34] jc joins the room
[08:44:35] Adrien joins the room
[08:45:21] jc joins the room
[08:45:35] Adrien leaves the room
[08:48:22] zoidberg joins the room
[08:48:50] mogad0n leaves the room
[08:50:04] chrys leaves the room
[08:50:26] Adrien joins the room
[08:51:26] Adrien leaves the room
[08:52:18] pitchum leaves the room
[08:52:37] pitchum joins the room
[08:52:40] pitchum leaves the room
[08:52:59] pitchum joins the room
[08:55:19] jc leaves the room: Disconnected: Hibernating too long
[08:55:23] mogad0n joins the room
[08:55:29] jc leaves the room
[08:56:16] Adrien joins the room
[08:56:31] jc joins the room
[08:56:40] marc36 leaves the room
[08:56:41] marc36 joins the room
[08:57:13] bio joins the room
[08:57:16] Adrien leaves the room
[08:57:21] Herbert joins the room
[08:59:53] Jeroen joins the room
[08:59:54] Jeroen leaves the room
[09:02:14] mogad0n leaves the room
[09:02:16] Adrien joins the room
[09:02:24] karme leaves the room
[09:03:03] mogad0n joins the room
[09:03:16] Adrien leaves the room
[09:03:18] midou leaves the room
[09:03:48] midou joins the room
[09:04:32] karme joins the room
[09:06:48] Herbert leaves the room
[09:07:32] pitchum leaves the room
[09:07:46] pitchum joins the room
[09:07:52] midou leaves the room
[09:07:59] Jeroen joins the room
[09:08:00] Jeroen leaves the room
[09:08:19] midou joins the room
[09:08:20] Adrien joins the room
[09:08:52] rom1dep joins the room
[09:09:20] Adrien leaves the room
[09:09:26] kaptan leaves the room
[09:10:24] Holger joins the room
[09:11:19] Satish leaves the room
[09:11:20] Satish joins the room
[09:11:43] Julian leaves the room
[09:12:39] Hanketsu joins the room
[09:12:39] andrey.g leaves the room
[09:14:38] Adrien joins the room
[09:15:27] midou leaves the room
[09:15:39] Adrien leaves the room
[09:15:52] midou joins the room
[09:15:57] Emru leaves the room
[09:17:49] midou leaves the room
[09:18:15] midou joins the room
[09:18:32] Adrien joins the room
[09:19:14] debacle leaves the room
[09:19:27] kaptan joins the room
[09:19:32] Adrien leaves the room
[09:19:39] Julian joins the room
[09:21:05] mogad0n leaves the room
[09:23:12] mogad0n joins the room
[09:24:08] Holger joins the room
[09:24:45] Adrien joins the room
[09:25:18] Manis joins the room
[09:25:45] Adrien leaves the room
[09:26:24] Emru joins the room
[09:29:32] Marc leaves the room
[09:30:38] Adrien joins the room
[09:31:38] Adrien leaves the room
[09:33:30] pitchum joins the room
[09:36:29] Adrien joins the room
[09:36:48] Holger leaves the room
[09:37:00] Holger joins the room
[09:37:29] Adrien leaves the room
[09:38:43] zeank joins the room
[09:39:57] gratuxri leaves the room
[09:39:57] ta leaves the room
[09:39:57] Neimi leaves the room
[09:39:58] Neimi leaves the room
[09:39:58] writer77 leaves the room
[09:42:19] Adrien joins the room
[09:42:38] ermete leaves the room
[09:43:19] Adrien leaves the room
[09:43:39] Neimi joins the room
[09:44:13] Qasim solimany leaves the room
[09:47:32] debacle joins the room
[09:47:36] fabio leaves the room
[09:48:09] Adrien joins the room
[09:48:25] Mario joins the room
[09:48:38] mogad0n leaves the room
[09:48:54] ermete joins the room
[09:49:09] Adrien leaves the room
[09:52:27] badlop joins the room
[09:53:59] Adrien joins the room
[09:54:33] leke leaves the room
[09:54:50] serafean joins the room
[09:54:59] Adrien leaves the room
[09:55:23] leke joins the room
[09:55:45] mogad0n joins the room
[09:57:01] Sally joins the room
[09:58:03] rain joins the room
[09:58:46] fabio joins the room
[09:59:02] spacecat leaves the room
[09:59:57] Adrien joins the room
[10:00:29] zoidberg leaves the room
[10:00:40] spacecat joins the room
[10:00:57] Adrien leaves the room
[10:02:51] mikel leaves the room
[10:04:00] mikel joins the room
[10:05:02] mogad0n leaves the room
[10:05:18] zoidberg joins the room
[10:05:46] Adrien joins the room
[10:06:47] Adrien leaves the room
[10:11:37] Adrien joins the room
[10:12:37] Adrien leaves the room
[10:13:13] ta joins the room
[10:13:24] ZHOSKA leaves the room
[10:13:25] mogad0n joins the room
[10:14:17] ZHOSKA joins the room
[10:15:01] Adrien joins the room
[10:15:31] dwd joins the room
[10:16:01] Adrien leaves the room
[10:17:52] Jeroen joins the room
[10:17:53] Jeroen leaves the room
[10:17:58] Holger leaves the room
[10:18:10] Holger joins the room
[10:18:27] Sally leaves the room
[10:20:57] Adrien joins the room
[10:21:58] Adrien leaves the room
[10:24:21] ermete leaves the room
[10:26:45] leke leaves the room
[10:26:47] Adrien joins the room
[10:27:47] Adrien leaves the room
[10:28:10] leke joins the room
[10:28:31] random_tester_123 leaves the room
[10:28:32] random_tester_123 joins the room
[10:28:38] Adrien joins the room
[10:29:38] Adrien leaves the room
[10:30:01] Adrien joins the room
[10:31:01] Adrien leaves the room
[10:31:10] raucao leaves the room
[10:31:13] raucao joins the room
[10:31:44] raucao leaves the room
[10:31:46] raucao joins the room
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[19:27:48] <Pepe> Hi!
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[19:30:08] <Pepe> I've installed the latest version of ejabberd using docker with the docker-compose.yml provided by the docs. I've just changed the domain and generated the SSL certs opening the port 80.
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[19:32:17] <Pepe> Now its possible to talk between diferent users in the server via c2s but I get an error when sending a message to another server. From the external server is possible to send messages to mine but is not possible either to activate the OMEMO encryption.
[19:32:42] <Pepe> Does anyone know what happends?
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[19:38:49] <Licaon_Kter> You've opened port 5269 in the firewall?
[19:38:57] <Pepe> yep
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[19:40:56] <Pepe> i can receive incoming messages from another server, but not able of send them
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[19:42:34] <Licaon_Kter> What error do you see in client?
What error, if any, in ejabberd.log with loglevel 4?
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[19:42:47] <Pepe> my config is the default with the host changed to my domain and an admin user created
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[19:44:48] <Pepe> [warning] <0.869.0>@ejabberd_s2s_out:process_closed/2:157 Failed to establish outbound s2s connection ******* -> ******: Stream closed by peer: not-authorized; bouncing for 77 seconds
[19:44:50] Chanaka Jayalath leaves the room
[19:44:58] <Pepe> this is the error i get
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[19:46:44] <Licaon_Kter> For a certain server or all servers?
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[19:53:09] <Pepe> for some servers it works but not the encription, for example i can comunicate with (it not uses ejabberd)
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[19:53:50] <Pepe> But i cannot comunicate with which uses ejabberd 24.12
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[19:55:08] <Licaon_Kter> Are you sure that's the only error message? Double check loglevel
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[19:57:34] <Pepe> okay, let me a moment to search how to see loglevel 4
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[20:02:07] <Pepe> oka, rereading the docs, loglevel 4 is info, its what it was
[20:03:09] <Pepe> 2025-02-26 19:58:20.225660+00:00 [info] <0.756.0>@ejabberd_s2s_out:init/1:292 Outbound s2s connection started: mydomain ->
2025-02-26 19:58:20.820837+00:00 [warning] <0.756.0>@ejabberd_s2s_out:process_closed/2:157 Failed to establish outbound s2s connection mydomain -> Stream closed by peer: not-authorized; bouncing for 75 seconds
[20:04:01] <Licaon_Kter> Can you join this channel?
[20:04:08] <Pepe> there is an info message saying that the connection started and then a warning saying that the connection is not auth
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[20:06:49] <peps> Hi
[20:06:58] <peps> This is the account and the server
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[20:32:13] <Licaon_Kter> peps, Pepe: so it works?
[20:33:01] <Pepe> NoLicaon_Kter, peps: No, I mean, I still has the same problem
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[20:36:05] <Pepe> Licaon_Kter, I can use this server, but the OMEMO keys are not generated when talking with my server and from it its not possible to send messages to that particular server that also runs ejabberd
[20:37:17] Pepe leaves the room
[20:37:21] <Licaon_Kter> Pepe: So it connected for a bit asd you send a message? I see your posts, what do you mean it does not work?
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[21:01:30] <Licaon_Kter> Pepe: Sanitize your .yml config and put it on pastebin
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[21:09:38] <Licaon_Kter> What ports did you open in firewall?
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[21:14:35] <Pepe> 5222 and 5269, yesterday i opened the 5280 to get the acme ssl certs but then I closed it, in the admin section now the certs apear correctly
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