Wednesday, March 5, 2025< ^ >
zinid has set the subject to: ejabberd discussions:
Room Configuration
Room Occupants
Show Occupants Join/Leave

[00:00:41] bio joins the room
[00:01:36] leke leaves the room
[00:03:33] leke joins the room
[00:04:02] Mickaël joins the room
[00:04:24] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[00:04:58] savagepeanut joins the room
[00:05:01] nutcracker500 joins the room
[00:05:02] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:06:03] ij leaves the room
[00:07:13] kaptan joins the room
[00:09:22] jesse leaves the room
[00:10:17] claas leaves the room
[00:10:19] Mickaël joins the room
[00:11:20] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:12:46] leke leaves the room
[00:15:52] claas joins the room
[00:16:19] Mickaël joins the room
[00:17:03] Neimi leaves the room
[00:17:19] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:17:25] rossen leaves the room
[00:17:33] ermete leaves the room
[00:17:48] rossen joins the room
[00:18:20] qbit leaves the room
[00:18:53] jjj333_p (any pronouns) leaves the room
[00:18:55] qbit joins the room
[00:18:55] jjj333_p (any pronouns) joins the room
[00:19:01] jjj333_p (any pronouns) leaves the room: Disconnected: Too many unacked stanzas remaining, session can't be resumed
[00:19:08] jjj333_p (any pronouns) joins the room
[00:19:14] mogad0n leaves the room
[00:19:15] leke joins the room
[00:20:31] zayd leaves the room
[00:20:31] stp leaves the room
[00:20:51] zayd joins the room
[00:21:02] mogad0n joins the room
[00:22:38] Mickaël joins the room
[00:23:03] isotelo leaves the room
[00:23:09] mako joins the room
[00:23:11] banana leaves the room
[00:23:22] banana joins the room
[00:23:38] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:23:58] 6 leaves the room
[00:25:07] ermete joins the room
[00:27:42] leke leaves the room
[00:27:46] marc leaves the room
[00:29:01] Mickaël joins the room
[00:29:16] leke joins the room
[00:30:01] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:30:56] deimosBSD leaves the room
[00:31:05] jesse joins the room
[00:31:10] ermete leaves the room
[00:34:37] nutcracker500 joins the room
[00:34:56] stp joins the room
[00:35:30] Mickaël joins the room
[00:35:34] savagepeanut leaves the room
[00:36:26] mogad0n leaves the room
[00:36:30] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:36:52] leke leaves the room
[00:36:57] reso leaves the room
[00:37:26] savagepeanut joins the room
[00:39:11] leke joins the room
[00:39:57] reso joins the room
[00:40:17] PatRiot leaves the room
[00:41:48] Mickaël joins the room
[00:42:18] sander leaves the room
[00:42:48] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:44:08] king joins the room
[00:44:20] rain leaves the room
[00:44:58] leke leaves the room
[00:46:21] mogad0n joins the room
[00:47:44] Mickaël joins the room
[00:47:54] banana joins the room
[00:47:57] jesse leaves the room
[00:48:13] rain leaves the room
[00:48:44] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:49:48] badmuff leaves the room
[00:49:48] badmuff joins the room
[00:50:17] zoidberg joins the room
[00:50:42] leke joins the room
[00:51:36] dusty joins the room
[00:52:15] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[00:54:09] Mickaël joins the room
[00:55:09] Mickaël leaves the room
[00:55:42] kaptan leaves the room
[00:55:52] sander leaves the room
[00:56:12] sander joins the room
[00:58:19] leke leaves the room
[01:00:26] Mickaël joins the room
[01:00:40] rossen leaves the room
[01:00:43] samuel leaves the room
[01:01:04] rossen joins the room
[01:01:26] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:01:47] king leaves the room
[01:02:42] leke joins the room
[01:02:42] sander leaves the room
[01:05:27] writer77 leaves the room
[01:05:31] writer77 joins the room
[01:06:44] Mickaël joins the room
[01:07:44] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:08:07] agates leaves the room
[01:08:10] agates joins the room
[01:09:54] 神楽坂喵 joins the room
[01:10:19] leke leaves the room
[01:10:51] Adrien leaves the room
[01:10:54] Adrien joins the room
[01:13:09] Mickaël joins the room
[01:13:37] henrik joins the room
[01:14:05] leke joins the room
[01:14:09] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:19:16] Mickaël joins the room
[01:19:54] qsx joins the room
[01:20:16] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:20:48] PatRiot joins the room
[01:21:42] leke leaves the room
[01:22:02] Kris leaves the room
[01:22:32] sander leaves the room
[01:22:51] leke joins the room
[01:22:51] spacecat leaves the room
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[01:22:56] sander joins the room
[01:22:57] mako joins the room
[01:24:59] mako leaves the room
[01:25:13] qsx leaves the room
[01:25:31] mako joins the room
[01:25:45] Mickaël joins the room
[01:26:07] snowstorm joins the room
[01:26:45] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:27:39] stp leaves the room
[01:28:13] leke leaves the room
[01:28:29] zain joins the room
[01:28:34] leke joins the room
[01:29:31] r00tobo leaves the room
[01:29:58] ermete joins the room
[01:31:13] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[01:31:59] rossen leaves the room
[01:32:05] agates leaves the room
[01:32:09] Mickaël joins the room
[01:32:18] robert_mobil leaves the room
[01:32:23] rossen joins the room
[01:33:09] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:35:16] agates joins the room
[01:36:56] leke leaves the room
[01:37:05] Lazarus leaves the room
[01:37:12] Lazarus joins the room
[01:37:20] Amolith leaves the room
[01:37:27] Amolith joins the room
[01:37:28] Citlali leaves the room
[01:38:26] Mickaël joins the room
[01:38:40] el3ctron joins the room
[01:39:27] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:40:43] ermete leaves the room
[01:40:48] ermete joins the room
[01:41:38] leke joins the room
[01:42:40] JonNJ leaves the room
[01:43:52] Frank leaves the room
[01:44:42] LNJ leaves the room
[01:44:43] Mickaël joins the room
[01:45:43] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:47:44] carlosr leaves the room
[01:47:47] robert_mobil joins the room
[01:48:28] kaptan joins the room
[01:48:35] leke leaves the room
[01:49:57] leke joins the room
[01:51:09] Mickaël joins the room
[01:52:09] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:52:44] r00tobo joins the room
[01:55:32] christian leaves the room
[01:57:17] hecker3000 leaves the room
[01:57:22] hecker3000 joins the room
[01:57:28] Mickaël joins the room
[01:57:34] leke leaves the room
[01:57:47] gooya leaves the room
[01:58:28] Mickaël leaves the room
[01:59:32] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[02:01:27] leke joins the room
[02:02:43] yellow leaves the room
[02:03:49] Mickaël joins the room
[02:04:49] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:07:08] zain leaves the room
[02:07:36] ermete leaves the room
[02:08:27] leke leaves the room
[02:10:06] Mickaël joins the room
[02:11:06] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:12:21] ermete joins the room
[02:14:43] leke joins the room
[02:16:23] Mickaël joins the room
[02:16:51] Robbilie leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[02:16:51] Robbilie joins the room
[02:17:23] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:19:24] ermete leaves the room
[02:20:06] kapad leaves the room
[02:22:41] Mickaël joins the room
[02:23:41] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:25:19] banana leaves the room
[02:27:38] banana joins the room
[02:28:48] chrys leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[02:28:49] chrys joins the room
[02:29:00] Mickaël joins the room
[02:29:24] ermete joins the room
[02:30:00] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:30:18] leke leaves the room
[02:32:46] leke joins the room
[02:33:36] pinkolik leaves the room
[02:35:18] Mickaël joins the room
[02:35:55] barlas leaves the room
[02:36:18] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:37:16] ermete leaves the room
[02:37:17] savagepeanut leaves the room
[02:38:37] zain joins the room
[02:39:49] leke leaves the room
[02:41:37] Mickaël joins the room
[02:42:37] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:42:43] rossen leaves the room
[02:43:05] rossen joins the room
[02:44:04] savagepeanut joins the room
[02:44:32] leke joins the room
[02:44:39] ermete joins the room
[02:47:11] cel leaves the room
[02:47:11] cel leaves the room
[02:47:11] cel leaves the room
[02:47:33] cel joins the room
[02:47:56] cel joins the room
[02:48:12] Mickaël joins the room
[02:49:12] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:49:40] badmuff leaves the room
[02:50:52] ermete leaves the room
[02:51:26] kaptan leaves the room
[02:53:16] pinkolik joins the room
[02:54:38] Mickaël joins the room
[02:55:39] Mickaël leaves the room
[02:56:45] henrik leaves the room
[02:58:41] snowstorm leaves the room
[03:00:55] Mickaël joins the room
[03:01:55] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:02:44] ermete joins the room
[03:03:17] barlas joins the room
[03:07:16] Mickaël joins the room
[03:08:06] kaptan joins the room
[03:08:16] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:08:49] rossen leaves the room
[03:09:16] rossen joins the room
[03:10:49] mikel leaves the room
[03:10:50] mikel joins the room
[03:11:03] Amolith leaves the room
[03:11:09] Amolith joins the room
[03:12:38] cel joins the room
[03:13:37] Mickaël joins the room
[03:14:31] qy leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[03:14:37] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:14:45] qy joins the room
[03:14:49] rossen leaves the room
[03:15:04] Сергій joins the room
[03:18:19] midou leaves the room
[03:18:40] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[03:18:46] midou joins the room
[03:19:14] ermete leaves the room
[03:19:22] leke leaves the room
[03:19:27] nutcracker500 joins the room
[03:19:46] leke joins the room
[03:19:58] Mickaël joins the room
[03:20:21] ermete joins the room
[03:20:33] zain leaves the room
[03:20:58] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:24:42] stp joins the room
[03:26:22] Mickaël joins the room
[03:26:54] kinetik leaves the room
[03:26:54] kinetik leaves the room
[03:27:22] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:27:24] leke leaves the room
[03:27:34] red curry leaves the room
[03:27:34] red curry joins the room
[03:27:37] leke joins the room
[03:29:44] Citlali joins the room
[03:31:30] nega†ive1 joins the room
[03:32:44] Mickaël joins the room
[03:33:44] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:34:45] leke leaves the room
[03:36:28] leke joins the room
[03:39:05] Mickaël joins the room
[03:39:19] Titi joins the room
[03:40:05] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:43:32] kaptan leaves the room
[03:44:04] Сергій leaves the room
[03:44:31] banana leaves the room
[03:45:09] banana joins the room
[03:45:27] Mickaël joins the room
[03:46:27] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:48:23] jesse joins the room
[03:49:32] leke leaves the room
[03:49:38] kaptan joins the room
[03:49:45] hexZoN3 joins the room
[03:51:06] leke joins the room
[03:51:50] Mickaël joins the room
[03:52:50] Mickaël leaves the room
[03:55:10] ff joins the room
[03:58:14] Mickaël joins the room
[03:59:14] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:00:40] ermete leaves the room
[04:00:52] agates leaves the room
[04:00:54] agates joins the room
[04:03:44] zoidberg leaves the room
[04:03:57] dusty leaves the room
[04:04:37] Mickaël joins the room
[04:05:37] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:05:44] uira leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
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[04:05:53] pod joins the room
[04:07:16] dusty joins the room
[04:07:30] dusty leaves the room
[04:07:56] dusty leaves the room
[04:08:21] lucas joins the room
[04:09:14] dusty joins the room
[04:09:28] dusty leaves the room
[04:10:32] qbit leaves the room
[04:10:54] Mickaël joins the room
[04:10:57] qbit joins the room
[04:11:08] dusty joins the room
[04:11:25] dusty leaves the room
[04:11:54] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:12:41] Сергій joins the room
[04:13:06] dusty joins the room
[04:13:22] dusty leaves the room
[04:14:38] qbit leaves the room
[04:15:10] dusty joins the room
[04:16:24] kaptan leaves the room
[04:16:43] pod leaves the room
[04:16:43] pod joins the room
[04:17:15] Mickaël joins the room
[04:17:43] Titi leaves the room
[04:17:57] Benson joins the room
[04:18:15] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:18:54] mogad0n leaves the room
[04:21:29] kaptan joins the room
[04:22:24] mogad0n joins the room
[04:22:31] pinkolik joins the room
[04:22:57] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[04:23:39] Mickaël joins the room
[04:23:57] Frank joins the room
[04:24:35] yzrh joins the room
[04:24:39] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:26:04] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[04:26:53] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[04:27:03] nutcracker500 joins the room
[04:28:54] Titi joins the room
[04:29:57] dusty leaves the room
[04:29:59] Mickaël joins the room
[04:30:10] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[04:30:33] nega†ive1 joins the room
[04:30:59] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:34:13] dusty joins the room
[04:34:31] dusty leaves the room
[04:35:37] dusty joins the room
[04:36:19] Mickaël joins the room
[04:37:19] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:40:00] zoidberg joins the room
[04:40:47] PatRiot leaves the room
[04:41:49] rain leaves the room
[04:41:50] rain joins the room
[04:42:37] ZHOSKA leaves the room
[04:42:41] Mickaël joins the room
[04:43:41] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:44:53] nega†ive1 leaves the room
[04:45:15] kinetik leaves the room
[04:47:36] leke leaves the room
[04:49:01] Mickaël joins the room
[04:49:05] leke joins the room
[04:50:01] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:51:29] kaptan leaves the room
[04:53:57] PatRiot joins the room
[04:55:19] Mickaël joins the room
[04:55:58] ZHOSKA joins the room
[04:56:19] Mickaël leaves the room
[04:58:37] leke joins the room
[04:59:40] christian joins the room
[05:00:12] kaptan joins the room
[05:00:49] random_tester_123 joins the room
[05:01:45] Mickaël joins the room
[05:02:16] pod joins the room
[05:02:45] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:03:06] banana leaves the room
[05:05:34] deimosBSD joins the room
[05:05:46] deimosBSD joins the room
[05:06:47] lucas joins the room
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[05:08:14] leke leaves the room
[05:08:23] eevvoor joins the room
[05:08:30] banana joins the room
[05:08:32] leke joins the room
[05:09:05] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:11:12] Squeaky Latex Folf leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[05:11:18] Squeaky Latex Folf joins the room
[05:13:50] pod leaves the room
[05:14:27] Mickaël joins the room
[05:14:32] yellow joins the room
[05:15:27] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:16:27] rain leaves the room
[05:16:28] rain joins the room
[05:16:34] pod joins the room
[05:18:43] Arya Kiran joins the room
[05:19:08] pod joins the room
[05:19:38] deimosBSD leaves the room
[05:20:47] Mickaël joins the room
[05:21:26] kaptan leaves the room
[05:21:30] banana leaves the room
[05:21:47] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:22:57] hexZoN3 leaves the room
[05:24:34] Kris leaves the room
[05:24:51] nutcracker500 leaves the room
[05:25:20] nutcracker500 joins the room
[05:25:23] Kris joins the room
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[05:27:57] brahms leaves the room
[05:28:07] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:29:01] kaptan joins the room
[05:30:20] brahms joins the room
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[05:31:51] el3ctron joins the room
[05:33:29] Mickaël joins the room
[05:33:29] hexZoN3 joins the room
[05:34:29] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:35:10] robert_mobil leaves the room
[05:35:18] robert_mobil joins the room
[05:38:41] akshay joins the room
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[05:40:51] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:41:37] zoidberg joins the room
[05:41:51] marc36 joins the room
[05:42:52] carlo leaves the room
[05:43:42] Xi leaves the room
[05:44:51] insanity leaves the room
[05:46:05] sander leaves the room
[05:46:11] Mickaël joins the room
[05:46:18] jesse leaves the room
[05:46:29] sander joins the room
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[05:47:26] nega†ive1 joins the room
[05:52:15] lightinggrj joins the room
[05:52:23] lightinggrj leaves the room
[05:52:25] Ramiro Romani leaves the room
[05:52:32] Mickaël joins the room
[05:52:35] lightinggrj joins the room
[05:53:32] Mickaël leaves the room
[05:54:06] Sally leaves the room
[05:54:34] ff leaves the room
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[05:55:35] yzrh leaves the room
[05:55:52] rintinfinn joins the room
[05:56:16] random_tester_123 leaves the room
[05:57:41] Jeroen joins the room
[05:57:42] Jeroen leaves the room
[05:57:58] random_tester_123 joins the room
[05:58:26] yzrh joins the room
[05:58:43] tobiasd joins the room
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[05:59:56] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:00:32] marc joins the room
[06:00:34] Olivia joins the room
[06:00:50] Benson leaves the room
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[06:08:17] akshay joins the room
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[06:09:36] christian leaves the room
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[06:11:12] leke joins the room
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[06:13:03] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:13:43] robert_mobil leaves the room
[06:14:01] kinetik leaves the room
[06:14:42] mirux joins the room
[06:15:01] IGImonster leaves the room
[06:15:01] IGImonster joins the room
[06:16:18] el3ctron leaves the room
[06:16:42] Ramiro Romani joins the room
[06:17:22] karme joins the room
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[06:19:44] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:21:24] christian joins the room
[06:24:24] Xi joins the room
[06:25:32] Mickaël joins the room
[06:26:32] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:26:32] Tim leaves the room
[06:26:33] Tim joins the room
[06:26:59] mako joins the room
[06:29:20] akshay leaves the room
[06:29:22] el3ctron joins the room
[06:29:25] danielepiccoli joins the room
[06:30:06] Neimi joins the room
[06:31:46] akshay leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
[06:31:49] akshay joins the room
[06:32:27] Mickaël joins the room
[06:33:27] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:33:56] akshay leaves the room
[06:35:15] hexZoN3 leaves the room
[06:35:33] Bertrand leaves the room
[06:36:49] Titi leaves the room
[06:38:29] Bertrand joins the room
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[06:40:15] Mickaël leaves the room
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[06:46:50] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:46:55] barlas joins the room
[06:50:30] danielepiccoli leaves the room
[06:52:59] Mickaël joins the room
[06:53:33] Jeroen joins the room
[06:53:34] Jeroen leaves the room
[06:53:59] Mickaël leaves the room
[06:56:32] danielepiccoli joins the room
[06:56:46] akshay leaves the room
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[07:00:31] Mickaël leaves the room
[07:01:16] johuck leaves the room
[07:04:11] samuel joins the room
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[07:05:32] Jeroen leaves the room
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[07:07:07] Mickaël leaves the room
[07:09:03] sander joins the room
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[07:13:47] danielepiccoli leaves the room
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[07:17:32] Alexander joins the room
[07:18:26] raver leaves the room
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[07:20:32] Titi joins the room
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[07:23:46] raver joins the room
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[20:07:17] <Pepe> jc: It works beautifully, thanks ^^
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[21:09:06] <jc> Glad to hear it 👍
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[21:44:48] <Pepe> And there is a simple way of load the script needed for omemo encryption with the mod_conversejs?
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[21:45:50] <Pepe> I've been reading the docs and is just loading a simple .js file (
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[21:47:33] <Pepe> At been looking and it's already inside the Conversejs github (
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[21:51:09] <Pepe> There is an option in mod_consersejs called conversejs_script ( but I cannot find any example of it in use. When I try to put the script there, Converse.js just doesn't work, so probably that is the wrong option for doing what I need.
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[21:54:17] <Pepe> How do you guys have configured OMEMO with Converse.js?
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[23:32:40] <Kris> I have a standalone Conversejs setup. I was about to share it, but realized my forgejo is currently in lockdown due to excessive AI bot scraping 🤦
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[23:33:19] <Kris> but it is not hard to use the release files and make a simple index.html with the settings for it
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[23:44:21] <Pepe> I'm going to keep trying with the mod_conversejs a couple of days more and if not, i'll do that. I  wanted to use the built-in module. I mean, that's why it is there, right? To avoid serving a separate converse.js
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