Friday, March 7, 2025< ^ >
zinid has set the subject to: ejabberd discussions:
Room Configuration
Room Occupants
Show Occupants Join/Leave

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[06:08:14] <yenemy> Hey all, I'm having a lot of trouble getting ejabberd working on my server. I'm trying to get it going in a docker container, with Traefik as a reverse proxy. Everything is working okay (can get into the web admin, make accounts with the CLI etc), but no matter what I've tried the TLS challenge fails. I've been searching like crazy and going around in circles for a couple days now.
Does anyone have an example of a docker, traefik, and ejabberd setup that works, hopefully some .yml/.toml files I can examine to see what I'm doing wrong? I'm so twisted up I'm thinking of burning down my whole server and starting from scratch 😂
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[06:11:10] <Licaon_Kter> Challenge? You mean ACME certs generation?
[06:11:11] eevvoor joins the room
[06:12:36] <yenemy> Yeah
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[06:43:01] danielepiccoli joins the room
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[07:24:53] <Pepe> I use Caddy as a reverse proxy in my server but I don't have Ejabberd behind it
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[07:30:13] tekdmn leaves the room
[07:30:28] <Pepe> Port forward the port 5280 directly to the port 80 of your router and then Ejabberd will generate the necessary certs (go to the ACME panel if necessary). With the certs generated, you can put traefik again in the port 80. The certs will expire in a month, so probably you will want to remember to renew them
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[07:32:23] terminaldweller leaves the room
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[07:32:55] <Pepe> Of course, /.well-known/acme-challenge should be in that port like this
[07:33:13] <Pepe> >port: 5280
>    ip: "::"
>    module: ejabberd_http
>    request_handlers:
>      /admin: ejabberd_web_admin
>      /.well-known/acme-challenge: ejabberd_acme
[07:33:17] leke leaves the room
[07:33:35] <Pepe> port: 5280
    ip: "::"
    module: ejabberd_http
      /admin: ejabberd_web_admin
      /.well-known/acme-challenge: ejabberd_acme
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[07:33:43] <Pepe> better looking
[07:34:17] henrik leaves the room
[07:37:16] <ffunk> yenemy: Hi, I'm using ejabberd outside docker and using traefik to obtain certificates for it. Exporting them by _traefik certs dumper_ and modifying fullchain.pem by removing the last certificate from it.
[07:37:58] <yenemy> Thank you both! I'll do a deeper dive once I get the head space back into this. Appreciate the help ❤️
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[07:39:57] <Pepe> ffunk: Really cool that traefik feature
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[07:44:15] <ffunk> > ffunk: Really cool that traefik feature
Yeah. Took me a while to handle it but it works like a charm!
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[11:32:16] jc leaves the room: Disconnected: Hibernating too long
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[17:12:49] Lazarus leaves the room: Disconnected: Replaced by new connection
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[20:45:13] Hanketsu leaves the room
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[20:55:56] Hanketsu leaves the room
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[21:15:47] snowstorm leaves the room
[21:15:55] snowstorm joins the room
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[21:16:04] snowstorm leaves the room
[21:16:12] snowstorm joins the room
[21:16:13] snowstorm leaves the room
[21:16:21] snowstorm joins the room
[21:16:23] snowstorm leaves the room
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